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Meet the Maker: Day 2

March Meet The Maker Day 2: Style...

Of course style is fluid, forever developing and becoming further defined with each project. Although, it can also be said that there are some elements of one’s style that remain fairly consistent. For me, that would be the heavy line work of my illustrations. (I’m a fan of petting the line – drawing the same line again and again, adding a little at a time until it has a shape that pleases my eye.) I started this when I was working in an office downtown and would spend my lunch hour outside surrounded by the city, but lost in a world of my own in a drawing.

When I am drawing for myself, my color palette is very much a product of being a child of the 70s. Brown, rust orange, avocado green, mustard yellow, and turquoise. Lately, my style has gravitated to include ombré coloring – and there, again, I’m reminded of 70s design. What can I say? I’m drawn to the past and love celebrating retro in my work.

Since switching from ink on paper to digital illustration, I can feel my style swiftly becoming more defined. It is no longer encumbered by the process of cleaning up a drawing so that it can be scanned and then cleaned up some more in Photoshop. As I improve my digital technique, I’m sure my style will be at liberty to become even more defined – a lifetime work in progress.

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